Customer referral programmes

Maximise your outreach efforts

Turn your biggest advocates into your best sales people by simplifying and incentivising more customer referrals. Automate and access hundreds of big brand incentives, or use your own, and negate the many hurdles of handling referral data with our GDPR compliant referral programmes.

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Automate your referral programmes with our GDPR compliant solution

Customer referrals can be one of the most cost-effective ways of attracting new business. Turning an army of your biggest advocates into an extension of your sales team is something that most marketers desire, but there are a number of challenges to overcome in developing a successful customer referral programme.

In an era where data legislation, and rightly so, creates legal challenges around how data is shared, finding a solution that will scale and is compliant can be both risky, and a huge time burden. But thankfully, we have a solution.

Designed to seamlessly integrate with your own website, platform or app, the Propello plug-it referral solution will handle both your data compliance and enable your referral programme to scale through our fully automated solution.

Suitable for any audience size, Propello allows you to instantly set parameters to incentivise and trigger referrals. Our experienced team will guide you through your programme set up and provide access to over 1,000 global brand incentives – or help implement the use of your own rewards where desired.

Effortlessly attract more customers through a fully compliant, personalised referral programme with Propello.

Key benefits of Propello's customer referral programmes

Acquire more customers from your biggest advocates

Attract more customers from your biggest advocates through our referral enablement software. With the very nature of referrals, referrers will invite more like-minded shoppers, that more often tend to be more valuable and more vocal about your brand.

Low risk high reward

Get a low risk, high reward ROI, with low programme implementation costs that deliver incredibly high value for both your customers and your business alike. With referral marketing you are only paying for results, which make this a truly scalable, risk free channel.

Grow revenues faster

The most credible advertising comes straight form the people we know and trust, which is why 83% of people completely trust the recommendations of friends or family. Referred customers already have a positive perception of your brand, which as a result means that on average, customers acquired through word-of-mouth spend 200% more, have 2x lifetime value and make twice as many referrals.

Fully GDPR Compliant

Maintaining full GDPR compliance with any referral programme is one of the most important factors, but equally the most frequently overlooked. With strict privacy laws to adhere to, referrers cannot simply pass you their friends data to be acted upon, without an audit trail of consent. The Propello platform takes care of this step for you by enabling communication from the referrer to referee via our suite of social messaging integrations, reducing friction for all parties and ensuring that the referral programme maintains legal GDPR compliance.

Gain efficiencies with full programme automation

Set up programme rules, apply incentives and automate the whole process from lead capture and validation through to the delivery of incentives. With the Propello platform, we remove a heavily humanised manual process, giving you the ability to quickly scale your programme for much larger audiences.

Launch referral programmes rapidly

With a simple integration process, the Propello plug-It referral software can be embedded within your website or app within a short space or time, meaning you can quickly launch your programme within days rather than months.

Use cases

Although most referral programmes are found in the B2C sector, referrals are one of the most versatile forms of a customer loyalty programme. This means that with some simple adaptations, referral programmes are a relevant channel for most businesses to acquire new customers.

  • Subscription, Contract, License & Membership-based businesses
  • Retail & Ecommerce based businesses
  • Hospitality, Entertainment & Travel sector businesses
  • Brands with high emotional loyalty
  • Companies focusing on high adoption rate and community building

Success stories

“Using Propello has unlocked huge value for our members, with Premium Plus+ membership subscriptions having reached an all-time high.”

Jake Bird

Head of Marketing
JD Sports Gyms

“By digitising our brand to brand partnerships, Propello has enabled HelloFresh to increase concurrent barter exchange relationships, which has expanded our brand reach by over 500%.”

Louise Branth

Head of Commercial Partnerships

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Speak to one of our loyalty consultants and book a call today!

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